Hyder July 29, 2009
This is so much fun we are going to stay in Hyder 1 more week. We get up 5:30am to be on the walk at 6am. Come home around 8:30am to go back to bed. Since the weather up here has turned HOT in the high 90’s, after dinner at 6 we go back to the viewing area which cools off, till 9:30 or 10pm. We come home and down load all the pictures for the day, play cards and go to bed 11 or 12. The wildlife viewing is amazing. It is so exciting watching the interaction of the bears. The black bears are low on the hierarchy, young bears, and females. Dog face is the big bear that is in charge. Unless like last night, when he wanted to court the female. He followed her and they were up on the road “necking”. She would have none of it at the time. But later, after we left, we heard she was more receptive. It is hard work standing all the time waiting for something to happen, but each day we find something new. Whether it is filming the Kingfisher bird, the bears, or the eagles it is hard to walk away and leave we are afraid to miss something. Yesterday afternoon one of the bears decided to take a bath in the lagoon. We were told it was fantastic watching her lie on her back with her feet in the air and just playing in the water.
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