Our host Roland took us out on his boat the Celtic Mist to go fishing. It was a beautiful sunny day temp 53. I tried my had at fishing but sea sickness ended that, but Roland let me pilot the boat to elephant rock. A first for me. We saw stellar sea lions, seals, puffins, etc. Gene's first fish was the ugliest thing called a Skulpin. It is also called by the name of Irish lord and mother in law fish.
Gene caught about a 30 pound halibut and several cod. Since I was ill Dixie took the pic of Gene holding the catch of the day and I need to get it from her. After cleaning and gutting the fish we caught it weighed out at about 50 lbs. Bonnie, Roland's wife made a rhubarb pie. First time I every had it. We were also given a taste of uncooked rhubarb, it is tart. It tasted better with sugar.
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