July 26
We toured Little Big Horn battlefield and found out some interesting facts that we never new.
1. Most of the men in the 7th Calvary could not understand or speak English. That was one of the problems during battle and that is why they used the bugle for commands, but the bugle was never used at this time. It was General Benton that got excited and caused the confusion.
2. There were 3 Indian nations represented. They far outnumbered the solders.
3. Army horses were purebreds and use to flat ground. The Indian horses were use to the rolling hills.
4. The army supplies were stuck in a swap so the solders did not have enough bullets.
5. It was very hot out and the solders wore wool uniforms and did not have water.
6. The Indians let 300 men escape in hopes they would tell the truth about what happened. The Indians did not attack first.
It was a very hot but rewarding day. It was also nice to hear the people in speaking in their native tongue. One ranger, who is also a crow graphical spoke of the whole battle and used the Indian sign language when she spoke,
We camped at an Indian owned campground with electricity. The only problem was I did not see the railroad tracks on the other side of the park. I will just say the tracks were in use often all day and night.
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