The weather has been cloudy and COOL. You will notice there are not to many pics without our coats or sweat shirts on.
Dixie coined the word..pick-a-road. Every day we would pick a road that we did not have any idea where it went to. We had quite an adventure this day as we picked a road that lead to logging roads. As we went around the roads we came to dead ends. We were actually thinking that they would have to send someone to rescue us as we kept ending up at the same place and dead end roads. We eventually found the right road but it was scarry for a while. Tensions mounted and the GIRLS became silent.We knew we would not starve. We had packed two coolers with food in Homer. I had stopped at a store in Anchorage and bought a cooked meatloaf that I froze. After we got out of the logging roads we stopped for lunch on the beach and had sandwiches.
Not to shabby.
We spotted Sitka deer, eagles and the sitka spruce forests.
Because of the islands high humity the forest we found were ladened with moss. It gave off a beautiful and errie feeling.
We have also seen a multitude of bird species, but the eagle is our favorite.
The wild flowers are outstanding.
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glad to meet you.
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