July 25, 2008
We are now wearing short sleeved shirts and have put away our sweatshirts. It is really sad to come back and see the pollution in the air and the traffic. There were days that we only saw about 10 vehicles.
Spoke to Dixie and Jim who are in Haines, AK, 52degrees, and going to Hyder to view the bears.
Animals of the day were Pronghorn and white tailed deer with fawns.
About 2pm we got to the Museum of the Rockies and saw mounted dinosaurs and their eggs. We have met Jack Horner and read his books which made it more interesting to us. He started the museum and was responsible for finding dinosaurs and egg nests in the area. They also explained about the histology of the dinosaurs and how they compare to modern day birds. Histology looks at bone cells from live birds and compares them with the dinosaur cells. We did not view the whole museum since the air conditioning was not on and it was very warm.
We are Camping in Livingston Montana at Osen’s RV Park and campground. It was a must to have air conditioning because it is so hot and wifi, but the wifi is not working. It is also the first time we had to run the trucks air.
We are heading to Little Big Horn tomorrow.
I am trying to get caught up on the blog so please excuse typos and grammar.
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