We bought a new tire, went shopping for groceries, cleaned and did laundry on Monday.
Tuesday we went to see the old side of town and then out for a ride to a little town called big horn. Saw dozens of deer and some long horn steer.
Sheridan is a picturesque, historic, old west town. Speciality shops with cowboy memorabilia & antiques. The building that caught our attention was the Sheridan Inn being restored to its original condition. Sheridan is the home of Wild Bill Cody. He stayed at the large hotel when he came back home. It had 79 rooms and there is a story about a man hanging himself upstairs. It was Cody's brother in law. The size of the hotel surprised me. We could not go up stairs because they are working on it, but there was enough to see down stairs. It has the original huge wooden bar was beautiful. Even the bathrooms had beautiful murals. Yes, I went into both bathrooms.
Leaving tomorrow morning for Rapid City, South Dakota, to visit Gene's nephew and his wife living there that he has not seen in years.