The second half of the day we went to Moricetown one of the oldest surviving native settlements. They fish with gaff polls or dip nets. With the dip nets they are tied to the rocks with a long rope. They would be a goner if they slipped. You can sometimes see the fish trying to come up the waterfalls. The people perform their critical and dangerous task of gathering the winter's supply of salmon. We followed our new friends from the twin falls. After watching the fishermen we went to the little museum that explained the history and traditions of the Wet'suwet'en community. It spoke of the injustices that were put upon them by the whites. They would not let them fish for years because they said they were taking all the fish and the salmon runs were not as plentiful. Not to say that the whites were fishing with big nets and started in the ocean. They were finally given there right to fish,
which they had done for thousands of years, some years ago. They were also told they could not compete with the commercial fisheries.
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