Saturday, July 24, 2010

Crater Lake

This was a spectacular late morning. We climbed Hudson Bay Mountain. The information said it was a moderate hike through alpine meadows. The trail winds its way to Crater Lake. Let me say we did not make it all the way up. The climb was 45 degrees...steep. As we got closer to the lake it started to rain. We were afraid the walk would get slippery and my ankle was feeling some stress, so we decided to leave the top for another time. We started off at about 4900ft and went up at least 1,000ft., it was about 2 1/2 hours round trip. It was truly magnificent. From town it took about 25 minutes, by truck, up rolling gravel switchbacks. Before we got to the gravel road we saw a fox killing its pray. I thought it was a cat because it was jumping up and down to catch its meal.

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