Today we headed for Calistoga, Ca to see the Petrified Forest and Old Faithful Geyser. The forest has huge 3 my petrified redwood trees, plus Madrone and Manzanita trees. It also has eight types of oak trees and many geologic features. There is a tree named for Robert Louis Stevenson to commemorate the discovery of the Petrified Forest in 1871 by 'Petrified Charlie' who Stevenson met in 1880. Stevenson immortalized him in the book THE SILVERADO SQUATTORS and to honor all those who devoted their lives to developing and reserving this forest. There is also some huge Coastal Live Oaks on the property. What also got my attention was the sale of fossils and I could not resist purchasing something.
Next was Old Faithful Geyser. It is one of the worlds few geysers that perform at regular intervals. Neighboring Geyserville claims the largest geothermal area in the world, but there are no true geysers there, but the steam from fumaroles produces geothermal power. They has some unsual animals on the property. There were the "fainting goats", 4 horned goats and llamas.
On the road to home we stopped into one more winery. The Summer Winery had the best testing wines we have tasted in one place. We bought 3 bottles, one a chardoney for me and Gene like the Muscat Canili and we both liked the Port. We were having a hard time choosing only 3. I will never be able to drink boxed wines again.
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