Oct 13/15
We have gone grocery shopping, and riding around taking pictures. I have not been feeling well...down with sinus problems or a cold.
It is going to take 3 weeks for the rv repair place gets the parts to fix our rv, so, we are going to leave Lee Mass. and go to N.H. next Thursday to see our friend Anne and then go to Maine to visit more of the family on Friday. We will then come back and visit Joan, Gene’s sister in Conn.. Hopefully we will be able to get the rv fixed and then head back to Texas via Alabama to visit Joe’s wife and family... We hope will be home for Thanksgiving.
I am feeling much better as far as my voice goes but I still have a sinus headache. The weather is beautiful sunny and 71 and cool at night.
Andrew, Marci’s son and my grandson, and Terin his wife, are expecting a baby next June. They are so excited and so are we.
Our daughters surprise party is this Saturday and we are looking forward to seeing the family.
Gene is having fun working with Mark and Gene putting in an engine in a truck and working on the roof of Gene’s house the last 2 days.
It has been fun having so much time with the “boys” We watched the debates together.
And have our fingers crossed for Obama to win.
Julie we have given all the Obama stickers away and encouraged several to register and vote. HE CAN DO IT….
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