Sunday, August 1, 2010

Kaniskin Lake

July 28, 2010

After we left Hyder we took route 37 north. We are going up to Watson’s Lake in the Yukon. Having a great time, playing cards and enjoying each others company. We have been a little frustrated because we have not seen any bears on the trip up to Boya Lake. We are heading onward to Alaska and staying in Provincial Parks. We are only going 200 miles a day. The secenery is spectacular and I just can’t stop taking pictures. Hope you all are enjoying them. Yes, we had a problem with a tire on the truck. The stem of the inside tire broke and we had a flat. We need to get metal stems. That is the third time that has happened.
We took the Yellowhead Highway from Manitoba to BC on route 16. It is the oldest route across the vast prairies to Jasper. At first it was a secret trail to the fur cache of its namesake, the blond Iroquois Metis guide know as “Tete Jaune.” He guided Canada’s greatest fur traders, the Hudson’s Bay Company and the North West Co. In 1825, Tete Jaune led the Hudson’s Bay Company’s chief trader through the pass that still bears his nickname-Yellowhead. This once-secret path through the Rockies proved to be an easier route to travel and by the 1830’s, Yellowhead Trail was virtually a highway.

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