Friday, November 14, 2008

Nov 10

Nov 10

I spoke to our granddaughter Andrea, who lives in Chicago. She and her friends went to the Obama rally and said it was awesome & exciting to be there at an historic time.

We went to the library to check email messages and blog. Gene & I then took a long ride to Conn. to see Joan and Earl, Gene’s twin sister and her husband. We drove through many old small towns and stopped when we saw the covered bridge. I took pictures of some of the old houses with dates. As we are riding down the road they are not complete pictures of the houses but just to show some of our friends how old some houses are here. It’s hard to find a house older than the 1900’s in Texas.
Joan made a great dinner and made plans to see them next Wednesday, if nothing else comes up. We have not seen a Sam’s for a few months and could use a restocking of food. Although, there is not a Sam’s but a Costco some where in Conn.
We got home late at night.

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