June 22
Left Grants in the AM. We visited the Navajo Indian Museum at Window Rock in Arizona. The exhibit was on their beautiful rugs and baskets with videos explaining how they are made. It also told the story of the atrocities committed to this Indian Nation by the white man & Spaniards. Their story is told in the long walk.
Arrived at Canyon De Chelly (pronounced De Shey) and found a campsite. The camping is free in an area with cotton wood trees. Of course to find any shade was impossible. They have self guided tours around the north and south rims of the canyon. We decided to take the south rim today where there are 7 stops and points of interest. It is a beautiful setting.
Archeological evidence shows that people have lived in these canyons for nearly 5,000 years…longer than anyone has lived uninterrupted anywhere on the Colorado Plateau.
It is in the high 80’s but in the night it goes down to 50.
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