Aug. 2 & 3
Drove all day to Mitchell, SD. I was so tired by the time we got in we decided to stay another day and tour the Worlds only Corn Palace. The Corn Palace is the center of attention in Mitchell whose founding fathers hoped that constructing a palace of grain would draw interest to the region’s agricultural capabilities. It has drawn over 500,000 a year. It was originally were settlers displayed their agricultural bounty. The building is famous for the huge colorful murals on its sides, which are redesigned every year with scenes depicting life in South Dakota. The theme this year is everyday heroes. The murals require thousand bushels of corn, grasses, straw, milo and sourdock. It is really very interesting and unique.
We then visited the Dakota Discovery Museum. There are buildings, machinery, etc. from the Homestead Act of 1862, which said that anyone, at least 21 yrs. Old and the head of a household, could lay claim to 160 acre parcel of land. The condition was that the homesteader had to “prove up” on the claim, such as plowing & planting between 10 & 15 acres, and construction of a dwelling. The museum shows what life was like in the shacks, which often were a meager 12 ft by 14 ft, the minimum requirement by the government. There was also an art exhibit of Oscar Howe who was a full blooded Indian and his art is magnificent. I bought a small picture.
One thing we find unusual about the campground were we are staying, the cable tv only carries FOX news, No CNN or any other news channels. They get 50 channels, disney, hgtv, cooking, marathon, etc.
1 comment:
Hola!, como va?, muy bueno este blog, me gusto, voy a seguir pasando, saludos!! q andes bien
Cuando quieras pasa por el mio
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